We guarantee the security of your personal data with the same care, commitment and professionalism that we have with our company, we ensure that we never sell or disclose any personal information, highlighting that only accredited employees have access to this information and in the event of any eventuality, they will be subject to legal punishments.

We will do our best to maintain the privacy of users' personal data stored in its database, committing to use technology that is sufficiently adequate to protect such data, seeking to maintain a safe environment with the use of appropriate tools.


Any type of banking or Credit Card information is secured by the encrypted technology of our Payment Gateway, which keeps the customer's banking information completely confidential. We are committed to always improving our work, so we will publicly disclose any changes to this privacy policy. We keep several channels open to clarify doubts and receive suggestions. We are fully available.

For more information, contact our sac through our contact page.

Opening hours:

From Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 18:00.

We do not work on weekends and holidays.